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Bryan Haugstad

Lawyer / Founder


University of Alaska, Anchorage:

Bachelor of Arts in Economics,
minor in Communication

Gonzaga University, School of Law:

Juris Doctor
Magna Cum Laude 

Bryan’s career in law began as a law firm receptionist for the Law Offices of Michael J. Jensen at 18-years old. Over the following decade, he advanced to legal assistant, paralegal, office manager, and eventually became a writing consultant for workers’ compensation law firms. He went on to graduate with Magna Cum Laude honors from Gonzaga University, School of Law. He focused his legal studies on honing his writing and public speaking abilities. 

Bryan knows that his clients deserve the best results. He fights for those results. He has worked in nearly every legal position that a firm has to offer. He thoroughly understands the process his clients must go through to be successful. He has aided in successfully resolving cases before the Alaska Workers’ Compensation Board, the Alaska Workers’ Compensation Appeals Commissions, and the Alaska Supreme Court. A case that he was particularly honored to be a part of, McNamee v. Nabors Industries, Inc, can be read about in the ADN and Houston Chronicle articles provided in the section below.

Bryan and his wife, Jana, live in Anchorage, Alaska. Bryan has served on the Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) Board of Directors. He is an avid musician. He has volunteered with music teams at ChangePoint Alaska, Faith Christian Community, LifeSpring Bible Church, SonRise Community Church, New Community Church, and Awaken Alaska. He spends his time outside of the courtroom honing his musical ability.

Cases Bryan Aided in Resolving:

Alaska Supreme Court:
Pietro v. Unocal Corp., Alaska Supreme Court No. S-13500; 233 P.3d 604

Alaska Workers’ Compensation Appeals Commission:

Kollman v. ASRC Energy Services, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 13-0076; AWCAC Appeal No. 13-014
Municipality of Anchorage and State of Alaska Second Injury Fund v. Miller, AWCAC Appeal No. 13-020

Alaska Workers’ Compensation Board:
McKenna v. ARCO Alaska, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 11-0164
Richardson v. Interior Alaska Roofing., AWCB Dec. No.12-0212
Butcher v. Alaska Pacific Powder Company, AWCB Dec. No. 12-0075
Applebee v. United Airlines Corp., AWCB Dec. No. 12-0175; 12-0195; 13-0042
McCaw v. State of Alaska, AWCB Dec. No. 13-0020
Hays v. Arctec Alaska, AWCB Dec. No. 15-0131; 18-0068
Kessler v. Federal Express Corp., AWCB Dec. No. 15-0159; 15-0163
Meier v. Three Bears Alaska, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 16-0073
Branchflower v. Anchorage School District, AWCB Dec. No. 17-0041; 17-0054
Cannady v. Temptel, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 17-0060
Reuer v. FirstGroup America, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 17-0136
McNamee v. Nabors Industries, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 18-0004
Empey v. Ronald Ray Deffenbaugh, AWCB Dec. No. 18-0012
Hanson v. Doyon Drilling, Inc., AWCB Dec. No. 18- 0024; 18-0036
Hays v. Arctec Alaska and Arctic Slope Regional Corp., AWCB Dec. No. 15-0131; 18-0068
Barbaza v. State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, AWCB Dec. No. 20-0058
Vaillancourt v. State of Alaska, AWCB Dec. No. 23-0042
Morgan v. State of Alaska, AWCB Dec. No. 25-0004

McNamee v. Nabors Industries, Inc. Articles


ADN Article
Houston Chronicle Article