Workers’ Compensation Law

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ Compensation is a program that holds employers responsible for providing medical benefits, disability benefits, and re-employment benefits when injury or illness is caused by work performed for the employer. Workers’ Compensation benefits are designed to help an injured worker through a tough life situation. Workers’ compensation seeks to provide immediate help and does not cover all losses that may be suffered.

Suffering an injury or illness is extremely stressful. Serious injuries deprive workers and their families of the security they need. Necessary medical benefits and compensation benefits are routinely denied. Obtaining fair compensation after injury or death is often a challenge. The process can leave injured workers and their loved ones feeling hopeless. 

When the workers’ compensation system does not work as intended, a lawyer can help. The process of fighting for benefits is complex.  Many who go through the process without a lawyer are left with denied benefits or obtain less than they deserve. An attorney can help move through the process and seek the benefits needed to survive.

What can HALO AK do for me?

HALO AK represents individuals with the legal issues surrounding workers’ compensation. You and your family’s wellbeing is our leading concern. We offer knowledge, respect, and guidance to our clients. We strive to obtain  the care and benefits to which injured workers are entitled and that they need to survive. We seek fair outcomes for our client’s situation.

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